Grateful for you, Baja Traveler and Friend
Gratitude at 45
At 45 trips around the sun, I am learning to be grateful and stay in touch with the good people who helped me through this weird, wonderful journey in Ensenada, in life!
So I wanted to drop a thank you note to stay in touch and update you on my evolution here in Ensenada, Baja Mexico over the last 13 years.
Thank you!
Your friendship and smiles made the journey much more fun. Your willingness to work with me and my team helped us survive covid and pay the rent.
This 13-year journey has brought me from corporate consultant burnout in the recession, through testicular cancer and tumor removal to Ensenada to become a massage therapist and dog owner. Along the way,
Ensenada Massage grew out of my need for to health and peace.
Ensenada Excursions and Tours grew out of my cruising experience and desire for more fun adventures,
Valle Mobile Spa matured during covid to serve relaxation around baja norte and keep my team employed when massage in the spa was shut down.
45 Years Old and Grateful
Now with an amazing team of therapists and excursion guides, I am still prioritizing my health and having Baja travel adventures, and taking care of a loved one.
Trials make us grow here are some of mine have been:
My journey over these years in Baja included:
2 major car wrecks - goodbye Ford Ranger and Blue Honda Element;(
a business team that stole from and deceived me
A broken business partnership
2 adopted dogs - Cuddle Buddy Tina and Adventure dog Lola
covid shut down and keeping my massage team paid
the great recession that helped me kick the consulting gig
Heartbreaks from loving, leaving, and being left by amazing romantic partners
a failed property purchase of our Office Building
a home robbery while I was traveling in Yoga training in India
an inconsistent attempt at blogging! argg!
A carnival cruise that opened my eyes to fun and new business ideas
giving up the identity of an International Economic Consultant
From Massage Therapist to Business Manager to Business Owner
Learning to take care of a loved one
Integrating death into my life; Cancer
Death of Dad
Personally, my health and travel are still my top ongoing projects and they are always a work in progress.
I don’t have any plans to leave Ensenada yet, this seems like an interesting project stil here with my dogs, and good teams. And since I get to travel often, nice to take breaks back to the Midwest, Southern California, and Baja Sur scuba road trips.
I would be happy to hear if I can help you in any way with Baja travel info such as what I blog about, or from my life experience here. And I always love to talk health, dogs, blues harmonica, baja sur travel, and finding a connected, grounded way of living.
Breathe Deeply and Travel Slowly,
Jesse A from WI